Behind the Great Reset

As we turn the page on what was surely one of the most unprecedented years in modern history, we look forward to better times in 2021. It’s natural to do that – greet the new with optimism. Hope, after all, springs eternal in the human breast as Alexander Pope noted almost 300 years ago.

But this New Year, there is trepidation present in the mix, and maybe even despair in some.

Fear not, however, the genius Board of Directors at the World Economic Forum are on the case.

That’s supposed to allay the angst of uncertainty, but in some of us, is even great cause for concern. Will the cure be worse than the sickness? That’s a great possibility, given that the way out they’ll be proposing later this month is being elaborated by the very brain trust that is responsible for leading us into the crisis in the first place. And maybe they’ll be interested only in protecting their assets.

Let’s consider What’s Behind the Great Reset, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.

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Seduction by Evil

“The idea of being a victim of evil is quite a comfortable one,” writes Norberto Keppe in his book, Psychotherapy and Exorcism. “But what’s really going on,” he continues, “is that the human being actually selects the type of evil he wants in his life.”

Well, that’s sobering. I hope this happens unconsciously because the conscious choice for evil seems rather terrifying. Keppe’s view that we summon evil contradicts the common idea that we are victimised by it. Even the exorcists, those most graphic of illustrations of possession by evil, show the possessed as being unwilling recipients of the accursed spiritual invasions.

What Keppe is trying to alert us to here is the very real presence of evil spirits in the human experience, and our considerable role in giving them so much freedom to run amok on our planet.

But there’s another aspect at play in this process … the subterfuge of the demons. And that’s not a once-in-awhile thing. It’s constant.

Seduction by Evil, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.

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Man’s Greatest Enemy

I’m Richard Lloyd Jones, and this is Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.

All of us, if we’ve lived a little, have had to contend with the lure of temptation. From the mundane, “Just one more piece of chocolate cake,” to the come on of a cold beer when you’ve got a drinking problem, to the more serious attractions to violence and crime, we all know the experience of that voice in our ear.

Our modern scientific perspective prefers evidence-based interventions as solutions, leading us to explain away vice and bad habits as weakness, upbringing, chemical imbalance, even genetic disposition. We seldom in our modern world even think of putting temptation down to influence from nefarious spirits. Reason over superstition would read the promotional literature for the modern point of view.

But are we missing something in excluding the theological view? After all, Jesus warned us time and again of our unhealthy subservience to demons, and perhaps we should listen more carefully to that advice.

Man’s Greatest Enemy, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.

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Under Control of Evil

I’m Richard Lloyd Jones, and this is Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.

In Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Ferdinand, in desperation at the terrible plight of ship and crew, cries out, “Hell is empty and all the devils are here!”

And looking around at our situation today, it wouldn’t be difficult to reach the same conclusion. Except that our modern materialistic science doesn’t allow for that conclusion. Oh, we might utter the words, but I doubt most of us would use words like “hell” and “devils” in anything more than an illustrative sense. We almost certainly wouldn’t mean them literally.

But there is a very modern science emerging here in Brazil that does consider the power of spiritual influence to inspire the human being – both for good or for evil. And yes, I do mean a science. And what the scientist responsible for this view, Dr. Norberto Keppe, maintains is that the evil is winning as long as we don’t have more consciousness of it. That means, reuniting theology and philosophy again with exact science, as used to be the case. So we can really understand our situation.

Under Control of Evil, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.

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Evil in the Modern World

I’m Richard Lloyd Jones, and this is Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.

In the philosophy of religion, evil has always been a thorny issue. Is evil something inherent in the essence of man and nature? Or is it a willful act of ill-intentioned human beings?

And then there’s the whole confusion of natural disasters – the presence of which have even caused some thinkers to deny the existence of a perfectly good God. If hurricanes exist, this argument goes, perfect goodness doesn’t exist.

And I think it’s also safe to say that the theological concept of the existence of a being of evil as described in Judeo-Christian scripture is also controversial. A rebellion in heaven led by one of God’s brightest angels, Lucifer, is today treated mostly as allegorical or metaphorical – tales told to illustrate moral truth but not meant to be taken literally.

But in Norberto Keppe‘s deep science of Analytical Trilogy, spiritual influences in the myriad psycho-social crises we face today are considered. In fact, in Keppe’s experience, the spiritual component is more necessary.

Evil in the Modern World, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.

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Analytical Trilogy and #Occupy Wall St.

Fresh from the march in support of #Occupy Wall St. that occurred down here in São Paulo on Oct. 15, 2011, I have some things to add to the movement. There are protests happening in many cities in North America and Europe, and of course, the Arab Spring continues. Even totally censored China has activists plying the social networks to build support for their causes.

So, things are changing. And all this is welcome. We human beings that make up the 99%, and even some in the 1%, are waking up to the very disagreeable social situation and saying, “Hey wait a minute. This sucks!”

But I’m struck as I follow all this that now more than ever we need an orientation that goes beyond party politics and personal agendas and really gets us to the root causes of this mess. And then lays out a game plan for how to change things. Once and for all.

I have been living and broadcasting and teaching from the International Society of Analytical Trilogy for 10 years now, and become conscious every day of how the science Norberto Keppe has elaborated can help us in this struggle for our freedom. And I’d like to apply that science to the #Occupy Wall St. movement today on our program.

Analytical Trilogy and #Occupy Wall St., today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.

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Science for Revolutionaries

We are living in interesting times. Perhaps revolutionary times. The Arab Spring, Occupy Wall St., the scheduled Oct. 15 global protests. Is it possible we the people are waking from our long hibernation? Are we really saying “enough is enough” collectively?

This can give us hope as we analyze facts like 46% or our tax dollars here in Brazil going to pay interest on bank loans when this developing country’s infrastructure needs are so great. This can help us to resonate with the fight of the 99% against the 1%, that powerful statistic from Michael Moore‘s documentary critique of capitalism.

But we should be cautiously wary as well because we have ample experience of how the naivete of popular protest can lead to an illusion of change while the power remains untouched. This is perhaps most urgent here: we need a clear vision of what’s gone wrong at the roots if we’re to fix it. We’d like to offer something in that spirit today.

Nothing gives us this vision as well as Norberto Keppe‘s science of Analytical Trilogy. It’s an amazing science for revolutionaries, and we’ll explore that today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.

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Decay in the Land of Plenty

We are living in the best of times for social activism. Norberto Keppe’s science of Analytical Trilogy contains priceless perspectives on any number of important themes for all concerned citizens. And knowing this puts us in a much better position to work for change. Without his science, we end up just criticizing, or worse, replacing corrupt systems and people with even worse situations because we didn’t understand more deeply what was going on – as happened with the French Revolution where the nobility was replaced by the even worse financial/economic power structure.

As Keppe writes, “Our task today is to disinvert the position of humanity, which is now at the service of the individual interests of a few thousand people, meaning that the rest of us cannot work for our own benefit. We’ve organized a senseless social system within which we’re all forced to live. From the time we’re born, we are confined in an inhuman social framework that increases our psychological tension to the extreme.”

With the perspectives brought by Analytical Trilogy, it is now possible once and for all to put a stop to the powerful and begin living in harmony with what we are in essence.

Today, we’ll look at all of that by considering the decay that lurks in the land of plenty.

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Eliminating Faith and Truth: The Failure of Psychological Science

“Our earth is degenerate in these latter days. Bribery and corruption are common and there are signs the world is speedily coming to an end.” The latest doomsday prognostication from the Mayans? Not exactly. A statement allegedly lifted from an Assyrian tablet dated 2800 B.C.

It’s clear mankind has been on the wrong path for some time, but what specifically are the steps we’ve taken off the straight and narrow? At least some of the blame can be laid at the feet of Freud and Marx and other schools of psychology. Professor Karl Jaspers, arguably humanity’s greatest psychological scientist, said that some psychologies and sociologies have performed perversions in society and exerted devastating power.

Let’s look at how these ideas have helped us corrupt our planet and ourselves. Eliminating Faith and Truth: the Failure of Psychological Science, today on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.

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Corruption: It’s Not Just Out There Anymore

Corruption. Some government official with his hand out or a doctor accepting an all expenses paid fishing trip in exchange for promoting new pharmaceuticals, or a baseball player betting on his own team. It’s part of doing business in some countries, and whispers of it are always present wherever big events, like the Olympics and the World Cup, are held.

But corruption is not reserved only for corporate boardrooms or secret meetings of the world’s power brokers – although it’s certainly in abundance there. It’s also inside all of us who corrupt ourselves without knowing how, or why.

We’ll look at corruption in all its forms today, on Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head.

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